In this expedition the team will investigate the fresh water sources of the site of Nan Madol on Pohnpei, and Leluh and Menka on Kosrae
A mystery of a lost civilization
Both Nan Madol and Leluh are megalithic marvels of the Pacific that were home to thousands of people and a complex and rich society. But where did they go? Around 1700 AD population sharply declined and it became the ruin it is today. The prevailing theory is that there was no fresh water but there are hints that suggest otherwise. This expedition aims to find out
Engineers of the Pacific
The 90 plus artificial islets of Nan Madol made of massive basalt columns served as both residences and ceremonial complexes. The lower city, Madol Pah, was the administrative center, while the upper city Madol Powe, was the ritual center of the complex. In 2016 Nan Madol was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, yet many fundamental questions remain. Based on survey findings from their 2017, PIRI expedition leader Lynn Danaher wants to conduct salinity tests in different areas of the complex.
Origins at Kosrae
This expedition will also include a visit to the ancient Menka ruins on Kosrae, a large site spread thru out a valley deep in the jungle well away from the shoreline. Menka is made primarily from large boulders, estimated to be over 2,000 years old. There will also be a journey to the Leluh ruins made from columnar basalt stacked in a very precise way. Leluh was completely built by adding extensive landfill onto a shallow reef. It is from a much later time, approximately 1100-1400 AD. Both are amazing examples of these very unique complex structures found thru out the islands of the Pacific, attesting to the ability of these islanders to amass great man power. The team will do several salinity tests.

The upcoming expedition to Micronesia is planned for when travel restrictions and vaccines allow for safe and ethical passage from the US to Micronesia
The estimated length of the expedition is 2 weeks with travel between Kauai, Hawaii to Honolulu onto The Federated States of Micronesia. For more details please contact Captain Lynn Danaher @4islandexplorer@gmail.com